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Our consultancy goal is to inspire and empower our clients to to create their unique selling proposition.

Together with our individuals and corporate partners we aim to unlock significant socio-economic benefits to transform lives in a socially responsible manner.

We constantly proof-concept our system thinking and strategic design together with our  members, global partners as well as educational and governmental institutes.


Inspire40Percent helps organisations to bridge the gap between CSR as strategic management function and and CSR to establish a culture of innovation which shows considerable return on investment into countries, which are on the market roadmap of our clients.

Inspire40Percent matures and bundles its core competencies and capabilities to meet the needs of our clients as well as the societies where they live, engage and do business. It provides end-to-end concepts either capable for monetarisation (return and cash flow dimension) or measurable through other indicators (such as NPS, public perception and life quality enhancement indices etc.).

We believe – it is our responsibility in a globalised world to inspire, train and facilitate to make socio-economic change viable and sustainable.

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